After quite a bit of time of doing almost nothing involving Unix, nothing new to be more correct, it finally occured to me that having my own forum would be fun. So, I downloaded phpBB3 from the developer's official website and installed it on my FreeBSD 10.1 box, which was actually one of my virtual machines hosted in Windows 10 on my laptop computer and powered by the awesome open-source "Oracle VM Virtualbox" product.
The forum is here.
Register and enjoy. :)
After quite a bit of time....
Now I have my own DVS (DigitalOcean, NYC). And I installed another forum which is here.
Register and enjoy. :)
The forum is here.
Register and enjoy. :)
After quite a bit of time....
Now I have my own DVS (DigitalOcean, NYC). And I installed another forum which is here.
Register and enjoy. :)